Sunday, September 11, 2011

Getting down with Xena

Today has been one of those quiet productive days in the cottage. There's been a thunderstorm about every hour on the hour so the temptation to run errands has been nearly non-existent. The cats hate thunderstorms so they're hiding -- one under the bed, the other in a cupboard. No interruptions there. And -- up until now no computer -- the lighting strikes were so close I'd powered everything down and pulled plugs to protect all the electronics. Nothing to do but finally get to work on Xena.

Today's major accomplishment was unpacking all the tools & parts that came in, setting up the new jig so I can work on Xena. Photos of the action were made and sent with inquiries to the supply houses. I'm pretty sure I know what needs doing--or not (better to leave certain things alone) -- but a second opinion from the folks who do it every day isn't going to hurt. And, probably will save time, effort and money in the long run.

Another accomplishment of the week was locating the old ivories needed for Xena's multiple gaps and gashes in her keyboard. After several fruitless inquiries Roger Aycock in Georgia gave me a lead on some folks in South Carolina. "We often just send the keys to a lady in Florida who makes jewelry out of them," related Danny of Boggs Piano Service Apparently, they restore enough old pianos where the owners don't want the old ivories to have a small supply on hand. One source I'd contacted wanted $45 per head so I didn't know what to expect...only $1 each! "After all they're used," said Danny. They even shipped them before getting the check from me. Those ivories should be arriving early this week so I can begin working on the keyboard while waiting to get my parts quotes from the various suppliers.